I needed to use the SharePoint DateTimeControl, first issue I faced is settting the date format, second issue is setting error messages and finally the location where the validation messages appear i needed to change it
I declared a new class NewDateTimeControl inherited from DateTimeControl
I overrided its OnInit method and Render virtual methods
private const string SPAN_TAG = "<span";
private const string IFRAME_CLOSE_TAG = "</iframe>";
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
LocaleId = SPContext.Current.Web.Locale.LCID;
string dateCtrlID = this.ID + "Date";
TextBox tbDate = ((TextBox)this.FindControl(dateCtrlID));
if (MinDate == DateTime.MinValue)
this.MinDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
RequiredFieldValidator reqVal = ((RequiredFieldValidator)this.Controls[5]);
reqVal.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
reqVal.ToolTip = TGOHelper.DateRequiredErrorMsg;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ValidationGroup) && this.IsRequiredField)
reqVal.ValidationGroup = ValidationGroup;
reqVal.ErrorMessage = TGOHelper.DateRequiredErrorMsg;
reqVal.Text = "* ";
protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)
//Read output html in sb string
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
HtmlTextWriter tw = new HtmlTextWriter(new System.IO.StringWriter(sb));
//alter sb string to reposition your validator
string outPutHTML = sb.ToString();
int spanIndex = outPutHTML.IndexOf(SPAN_TAG);
string spanString = outPutHTML.Substring(spanIndex, outPutHTML.Length - spanIndex);
outPutHTML = outPutHTML.Substring(0, spanIndex);
int lastFrameIndex = outPutHTML.LastIndexOf(IFRAME_CLOSE_TAG);
lastFrameIndex += IFRAME_CLOSE_TAG.Length;
outPutHTML = outPutHTML.Insert(lastFrameIndex, spanString);
//write your new output HTML
public string ValidationGroup
set { ViewState["ValidationGroup"] = value; }
get {
if (null == ViewState["ValidationGroup"])
return string.Empty;
return ViewState["ValidationGroup"].ToString();
I declared a new class NewDateTimeControl inherited from DateTimeControl
I overrided its OnInit method and Render virtual methods
- At the OnInit I changed the control properties LocaleId, MinDate and Error Messages appearing
- At the Render method i changed the way the control is rendered, required field validators are renendered as html span tag so I just read the whole span html and placed it after the closing tag of the iframe used to display the calendar
private const string SPAN_TAG = "<span";
private const string IFRAME_CLOSE_TAG = "</iframe>";
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
LocaleId = SPContext.Current.Web.Locale.LCID;
string dateCtrlID = this.ID + "Date";
TextBox tbDate = ((TextBox)this.FindControl(dateCtrlID));
if (MinDate == DateTime.MinValue)
this.MinDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
RequiredFieldValidator reqVal = ((RequiredFieldValidator)this.Controls[5]);
reqVal.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
reqVal.ToolTip = TGOHelper.DateRequiredErrorMsg;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ValidationGroup) && this.IsRequiredField)
reqVal.ValidationGroup = ValidationGroup;
reqVal.ErrorMessage = TGOHelper.DateRequiredErrorMsg;
reqVal.Text = "* ";
protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)
//Read output html in sb string
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
HtmlTextWriter tw = new HtmlTextWriter(new System.IO.StringWriter(sb));
//alter sb string to reposition your validator
string outPutHTML = sb.ToString();
int spanIndex = outPutHTML.IndexOf(SPAN_TAG);
string spanString = outPutHTML.Substring(spanIndex, outPutHTML.Length - spanIndex);
outPutHTML = outPutHTML.Substring(0, spanIndex);
int lastFrameIndex = outPutHTML.LastIndexOf(IFRAME_CLOSE_TAG);
lastFrameIndex += IFRAME_CLOSE_TAG.Length;
outPutHTML = outPutHTML.Insert(lastFrameIndex, spanString);
//write your new output HTML
public string ValidationGroup
set { ViewState["ValidationGroup"] = value; }
get {
if (null == ViewState["ValidationGroup"])
return string.Empty;
return ViewState["ValidationGroup"].ToString();
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